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Turner Drake & Partners Ltd.
6182 North Street
Halifax, N.S.
B3K 1P5

Tel.: (902) 429-1811
Toll Free: (800) 567-3033
Fax.: (902) 429-1891

PO Box 332, Stn Main
Moncton, N.B.
E1C 8L4
Tel.: (506) 389-1811

Suite 221
12 Smythe Street
Saint John, N.B.
E2L 5G5
Tel.: (506) 634-1811

Suite 11
109 Richmond Street
Charlottetown, P.E.
C1A 1H7
Tel.: (902) 368-1811

35 York Street
St. John's, N.L.
A1C 5M3
Tel.: (709) 722-1811

4th Floor
111 Queen Street East
Toronto, ON.
M5C 1S2
Tel.: (416) 504-1811

E-Mail: tdp@turnerdrake.com
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Planning Services

Development Analysis

Which real estate development, or redevelopment option will best meet your financial and physical objectives? Property development requires a multi-disciplinary approach: urban planning expertise to interpret the planning constraints that are imposed by the Municipal Plan and Zoning By-law and the possible flexibility available in their implementation or modification; expertise in real estate valuation, property development economics, market and investment analysis, to compare scenarios or evaluate the real estate development project you already have in mind. We will tailor our real estate development study to arrive at a project that meets your specific property needs, as well as urban planning regulatory requirements and economic reality. This real estate analysis goes beyond a broad-strokes estimate of return on property investment, and includes more detailed insight on key real estate elements such as urban planning, ownership structure, unit mix, market demand, parking requirements, etc.

Past property development experience is usually a good teacher, but in the “thin” markets of Atlantic Canada, every real estate development project changes the supply and demand conditions for the next. Simply replicating the past or the actions of other real estate developers is no sure path to success. You can be much more confident in a development project’s viability when it is supported by objective data and analysis, not what “buddy down the street” is doing.