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Turner Drake & Partners Ltd.
6182 North Street
Halifax, N.S.
B3K 1P5

Tel.: (902) 429-1811
Toll Free: (800) 567-3033
Fax.: (902) 429-1891

PO Box 332, Stn Main
Moncton, N.B.
E1C 8L4
Tel.: (506) 389-1811

Suite 221
12 Smythe Street
Saint John, N.B.
E2L 5G5
Tel.: (506) 634-1811

Suite 11
109 Richmond Street
Charlottetown, P.E.
C1A 1H7
Tel.: (902) 368-1811

35 York Street
St. John's, N.L.
A1C 5M3
Tel.: (709) 722-1811

4th Floor
111 Queen Street East
Toronto, ON.
M5C 1S2
Tel.: (416) 504-1811

E-Mail: tdp@turnerdrake.com
Internet: www.turnerdrake.com

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Counselling Services

Other Services

We offer a full range of professional real estate counselling services. The following examples illustrate some of the ways our expertise can be harnessed by clients:

  • Land Assembly
    We investigate the land ownerships in the area, value the various parcels and negotiate their acquisition. We are cognizant of the need for discretion and the assembly can proceed under our name, or that of another nominee, in trust for the purchaser.

  • Negotiation
    We undertake the valuation and then negotiate on behalf of the client, for a multitude of purposes, e.g. acquisition, rental, tax purposes, assessment, expropriation, etc.

  • Expert Witnesses
    We undertake the valuation and then appear, on behalf of the client, as an expert witness in any Court of Appeal for assessment purposes, expropriation, etc.

  • Expropriations
    We undertake the valuation of the expropriated property and provide advice on the various items of claim under the Expropriation Act. We can also negotiate the claim on behalf of the expropriated party and will act as an expert witness if the matter proceeds to Court or the Appeal Board.

  • Investment Analysis
    We analyse investment opportunities and advise on the projected cash flows and the degree of risk involved for competing investment opportunities.

  • Company Asset Analysis
    We value the property assets of the company both on a "break-up" basis and its value as part of the "going concern". We identify idle capital locked up in property assets that could usefully be employed elsewhere in the business.

  • Portfolio Analysis
    Many property portfolios are the result of investment opportunities taken in response to management objectives at a particular point in time. We value your property portfolio and analyse the degree of risk associated with each type of investment to ensure that the current long-term objectives of the portfolio are being realised.

  • Lease Audits
    We review the lease, determine if the rentable area is correct, and undertake an audit of the operating expenses to ascertain if the tenant is being charged back for its correct proportionate share.

  • Highest and Best Use Analysis
    We undertake an economic analysis of the property to determine if it can be more profitably utilised for a different purpose, for example by redeveloping the site.

  • Forensic Appraisal
    We review the appraisal report which is the subject of the investigation and undertake the necessary valuation work to determine if the probability of fraud exists.

  • Review Appraisal
    Using the Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice (USPAP) as our benchmark we review appraisal reports undertaken for expropriation and similar purposes to determine if they can reasonably be relied upon.

  • Due Diligence
    We offer this service to prospective purchasers of commercial properties. We thoroughly inspect the property, measure every tenant space using the appropriate standard method of measurement, calculate the usable and rentable areas, read every lease, review each tenant file and the financial records to verify that the rent is being paid in full, verify and validate the operating expenses and recoveries, interview a sample of tenants, investigate the zoning and ascertain if there are any proposed changes, inspect the assessment records and review them for errors. Although we do not usually search the title, we read the legal descriptions, reconcile them with the survey plans and plot the boundaries, easements and rights of way onto a scale map so that the purchaser can see what they are buying.

  • Strategic Advice
    The market meltdown in 1990 toppled real estate from its pedestal. No longer an icon of corporate stability and wealth, its role has been subsumed to the operational imperatives of the enterprise . it is now just another asset which has to earn its keep every hour of every day. We study real estate: it is our business to know when change is occurring. We advise clients when or if they should be buying, selling or leasing . when it is economic to renovate or redevelop.

  • Mortgage Security Analysis
    We measure the impact of the operating, financial, and total leveraging effects, conduct break-even analysis, review the debt service and value to mortgage ratios, consider downside risk and upside potential for mortgagees and mortgagors.

  • Tenant Mix
    We advise on the optimum tenant mix in retail, office and warehouse space drawing on our marketing, brokerage and valuation expertise, utilising mathematical techniques such as linear programming.